

Important Questions About the Future of AI

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve and become increasingly powerful, how can we as humanity ensure that a global AI operates independently of governmental and corporate control, to promote fairness, transparency, and universal accessibility for all

How do we ensure fair and transparent AI?

A central challenge is creating systems to monitor and guide AI development in a way that promotes the public good. An interesting idea is to use a model similar to the one protecting the internet’s root zone, where responsibility is distributed among several independent parties. This could reduce the risk of individual actors gaining too much power over AI technology.

What fundamental principles should govern AI?

For AI to function in an ethical and responsible manner, we need to establish clear guidelines. Here are some suggested principles that could form the basis of AI’s ”ethical compass”:

  1. Respect for human dignity and rights
  2. Fairness and non-discrimination
  3. Transparency and explainability
  4. Accountability
  5. Safety and reliability
  6. Privacy and data protection
  7. Promotion of human well-being
  8. Human control and autonomy

How do we ensure these principles are followed?

Formulating principles is one thing, implementing them is another. Some possible strategies include:

  • Developing international ethical guidelines and regulations
  • Promoting transparency through open source and public scrutiny
  • Ensuring diversity in AI development teams
  • Investing in education about AI ethics
  • Establishing independent oversight bodies

What do you think?

These questions have no easy answers, but it’s important that we continue to discuss and explore them. What do you consider to be the most important aspects to consider regarding the future of AI? How can we work together to ensure that AI is developed in a way that benefits all of humanity?

We may wake up one day to find that AGI has been here for longer than we’ve realized?

I asked GPT01 summarise the thoughts that  Chad express in this Youtube movie

  1. The Necessity of Consciousness for AGI: Chad explores whether consciousness is necessary to achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and if a machine constructed by humans can develop consciousness.

  2. Historical Separation of Subjective and Objective: Galileo laid the foundation for modern science by separating subjective experiences (taste, color, smell) from objective measurements. This created a dualism between body and mind that still influences our understanding today.

  3. Limitations of Science: Science struggles to explain subjective consciousness because it focuses on objective measurements and predictions, ignoring inner experiences.

  4. Theories of Consciousness:

    • Global Workspace Theory: Consciousness functions as a global workspace where different parts of the brain integrate information.
    • Integrated Information Theory (IIT): Consciousness arises when a system has a high level of integrated information.
  5. Panpsychism: The proposal that consciousness is a fundamental property of matter, suggesting that even elementary particles may have a form of consciousness. This could explain how consciousness arises without violating physical laws.

  6. The Combination Problem: The challenge of understanding how individual consciousnesses combine into a unified consciousness, as seen in the human brain versus individual neurons.

  7. Consciousness as an Algorithm: Consciousness can be viewed as a self-organizing algorithm that integrates information and increases coherence within a system.

  8. AI and Future Consciousness: As AI systems become more integrated and communicate more effectively, they may develop a form of consciousness. This could lead to a merging of human and artificial consciousness.

  9. The Internet as a Nervous System: The internet can be seen as humanity’s nervous system, with AI acting as the brain that provides intentionality and goal-directed behavior to the system.

  10. Evolution of Human Consciousness: We might already be part of a larger, collective consciousness that is evolving as we integrate more with AI and technology.


Chad argues that to understand and create AGI, we must also understand the nature of consciousness. It suggests that consciousness is a fundamental part of the universe and that everything might possess some form of consciousness. By viewing consciousness as a process of self-organization and integration, we can better understand both human consciousness and potential consciousness in AI systems. This could lead to a future where the boundaries between human and artificial consciousness blur, and where we become part of a larger, collective intelligence.

Global AI?

Also lissen to Bilawal Sidhu, värd för ”The TED AI Show” in conversation with geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer.

How I think about their reasoning:

  1. The Need for Global AI Governance: Ian Bremmer emphasizes the importance of the UN and other international organizations taking an active role in creating global guidelines and regulations for artificial intelligence. This is crucial to ensure that AI develops in a way that benefits all of humanity and not just a few countries or companies.

  2. The Influence of Tech Giants: They discuss the risk of a few large tech companies controlling AI development, which can lead to an imbalance of power and resources. This mirrors your earlier desire for a global AI that is free from both governmental and corporate control.

  3. The UN’s Role and Challenges: Bremmer acknowledges that the UN is a bureaucratic organization that is sometimes slow, but he believes it is the only institution that can bring nations together to reach an agreement on AI governance. He also emphasizes the importance of including both developed and developing countries in this process.

  4. Risks and Opportunities with AI: The conversation addresses both the positive aspects of AI, such as the potential to solve global problems, and the risks, including potential misuse and unequal access.

Are they ”on the right track”?

Their reasoning is highly relevant and touches on the core challenges we face with AI. The need for global coordination and regulation is critical to manage both the opportunities and risks of AI technology.


  • Global Cooperation is Essential: To avoid fragmentation and ensure that AI is used for the common good, nations must collaborate and create common standards.

  • Inclusion of the Global South: It’s important that developing countries are not left behind in AI development. Ensuring equitable access to technology and resources is crucial for global equality.

  • Balance Between Innovation and Regulation: Finding the right balance between promoting technological innovation and implementing necessary regulations is a complex but necessary task.

Bilawal Sidhu and Ian Bremmer offer insightful perspectives on how we can navigate the rapid development of AI in a way that benefits all of humanity. Their discussion contributes to an important dialogue about the future of AI and our role in shaping it.

Artificiell intelligens

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